
  • Need of a Government run App Store

    After ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce), it’s high time that the Indian Government also launch their own app store.

    It will help making things better for companies & developers as currently they are on the mercy of the rules decided by Google which are not very developer-friendly.

    They charge 25% commision on the payment done through the app which does not make any sense. Process to use third party options is not easy.

    A competitive product will help in making things better for everyone.

    Though we have some private app stores like Indus from PhonePe which are trying to do the same, a government backed app store has more chances of getting adopted by phone companies.

    An app store can only become successful if it comes pre-installed on new mobile phones.

    It’s much like how Windows is a monopoly in laptops and desktops. They all come pre-installed with Windows. Same with Google Play which comes pre-installed on all new smartphones.

    But it is difficult to pursue mobile companies to pre-install a new and smaller app store on their smartphones. However, it is not that difficult for the Government.

    First, every company operating in India will want to get their app listed on a national app store run by the Government. Much like companies are listing their products and services on ONDC.

    Second, the Government may give some benefits to the phone companies if they pre-install the Government’s app store on their phones.

    It will make the app store market competitive ultimately benefiting everyone.

    What do you think?

  • Someone found a human finger in their ice-cream

    Someone found a human finger in their ice-cream.

    The ice-cream company, which outsources its manufacturing, have stopped the outsourcing and decided to manufacture their ice-cream themselves.

    This shows how outsourcing is not a solid way to build a business. It may work in the short term, but in the long term, it has so many uncontrolled variables which makes it difficult to ensure proper quality control and timeliness.

    Though big companies like Apple outsource their manufacturing, but due to their sheer scale, they have huge control over their vendors.

    On the contrary, A small business does not have much say when it comes to such matters with their vendors.

    Most of the time a company requires outsourcing almost everything in the initial phases of its operations. But the long term goal should be to build their own supply chain.

    No matter how cost effective it seems at first, as the user base grows, it becomes counter intuitive.

    Ola and Uber are struggling as they cannot control their cars as they do not own them. They are merely connecting cabs with passengers.

    But if they own their own fleet, hire their own drivers, the day to day issues could be minimised as it would have been easier to control everything. This should have been their end goal.

    What are your views on this?

  • The case of the aspiring Ola-Uber killer

    The case of the aspiring Ola-Uber killer

    BluSmart cab service started as an aspiring Ola-Uber killer promising to solve all the issues which customers faced with Ola and Uber.

    When they began their operations, an important feature of their marketing campaign was that they will not indulge in differential peak hour pricing.

    In fact, this was a key point which differentiated them from the likes of Ola and Uber. Another key feature was no cancellation policy.

    But they have recently changed their pricing structure and now they charge differential peak hour prices.

    I am not saying it is bad, but in the long run, the need for profitability requires every company to go the same route. Blusmart is no different.

    Ola and Uber also started to be as customer friendly as possible but the requirement of profitability forced them to take tough decisions.

    But these startups themselves set unrealistic service expectations by burning investor’s money, and then once the money is over and the pressure of profitability kicks in, they go back on everything they promised.

    The worse thing is that they always know that this would happen. In fact they plan to do this after acquiring good user base.

    This strategy may be good for quickly acquiring new users, but I think even if a company has good amount of funds, they should not over-promise in terms of services.

    Being true from day one will result in better organic growth and user loyalty. Otherwise soon people may start criticizing BluSmart the same way they now do for Ola and Uber.

    And one day some new startup will emerge again promising to solve the issues faced by the customers with BluSmart.

    And the cycle goes on.

  • I lost 40% in a day

    I lost 40% in a day

    On June 4, during the counting of votes of the Indian General Elections, the stock market crashed and I lost almost 40% of the unrealized gains of last one year in my stock portfolio.

    But I did nothing.

    9 days later, my unrealized stock gains have doubled and are more than what they were 10 days ago.

    If I had panicked and sold the falling stocks on that day, I would have lost a good amount of money.

    The lesson is that stock investing is driven mostly by human psychology.

    Most people lose money in the stock market when they lose their calm and start panicking.

    A market crash or a stock dip is a bad time to sell. Unless a company is getting bankrupt, the stock will eventually go up in time.

    If you have bought a stock for a long term perspective, do not get worried by any short term fluctuations. No need to even check its value daily. Just sit back and relax.

    This may seem counter productive, but “doing nothing” is the best strategy when your shares are going down due to a market crash.

    What are your views on this?

  • Startup Investors To Lose Their Special Rights

    Startup Investors To Lose Their Special Rights

    Startup Investors To Lose Their Special Rights

    When a startup gets money from an early investor, it is more about investor’s faith in some people with an idea. It is a huge financial risk for the investors.

    The startup founders have less financial risk compared to the investors. To compensate this, the investors get special rights as part of their investment agreement, along with the shares.

    The special rights include right to veto, right to information, right to prevent divestment or liquidation of the company etc.

    There is also a risk of founders leaving the company midway while keeping their shares.

    To prevent this, the founders get lesser rights and their shares are usually vested over a period of time. That means they get their shares only if they remain with the company for a predefined period of time.

    This is also done with the help of agreements during the investments.

    Now, when these startups want to get listed in the stock market, all the shareholders need to cancel their special rights. This is a mandatory step by market regulator, SEBI, which has to be done before applying for the IPO.

    SEBI says that this is to ensure that no shareholder gets superior rights than others in a public company.

    This is fine as stock market listing means the shares of the company will most likely increase in value giving the early investors a chance to get good returns by sale of their own shares.

    But, if company fails to get listed, the investors have lost their special rights and it is very complex to get their rights back.

    So, this is a big risk for the investors.

    But these same investors already took huge risk by investing in a few people with an idea, and that idea now being IPO bound clearly means they were right in doing so. So I am sure they can again take a wise decision.

    What are your views on this?

    Note: Image generated with the help of AI

  • Banks are running out of money

    Banks are running out of money due to mutual funds & stocks

    Well in simplified terms, they are getting less deposits and giving out more loans. This is because more and more people are now investing their money in mutual funds & stocks, and moving away from the traditional bank deposits.

    Is it bad sign? No. In a free & fair market, everything balances out itself. This gap in deposits & credit will be balanced by better interest rates. But now banks have to compete not just with other banks, but also with other investment options like mutual funds & stocks.

    Banks are also trying to make deposits more attractive by offering high interest rates on deposits. They are even asking government to reduce the lock-in period of tax-saver FDs from 5 years to 3 years.

    But at the end, it’s a win-win for the end customer, whether they get fixed deposits with higher returns or higher returns on their investments in mutual funds & stocks.

    What do you think?

    Note: Image generated by AI.

  • The war of trash balloons and loud speakers

    The war of trash balloons and loud speakers

    Recently North Korea launched hundreds of trash balloons which landed in South Korea. Meanwhile, South Korea is broadcasting messages criticizing the North Korean government through loudspeakers pointed towards North Korea at the border. Reports are that North Korea is also installing speakers on their side.

    It is an interesting psychological warfare. Looks like these methods are somewhat working as leaders & forces of both countries are warning each other to stop such activities.

    Note 1: There is no management lesson in this post. Just sharing this as I found this interesting.

    Note 2: Image generated by AI.

  • Is it a good time to invest in the market?

    Is it a good time to invest in the market?

    I am sitting on more than 40% unrealized profit on a good portion of my investments in just a few months, thanks to the recent rise in the market.

    A lot of people have been saying that if you have not invested in the current market, you are losing out. But does it make sense?

    Is it really a good time to invest in the market?

    Well, the answer is not so simple.

    If you are a seasoned investor and you know what you are doing, then you can go ahead with your investments.

    But, if you are someone who is beginning your investment journey or has little idea about the share market, this may not be the best time to invest your money.

    If you want to avoid risk, a rising market is not a good time to invest. It is a good time to reap the benefits of the investments you made when the market was not rising.

    The reason for that is you never know when it reaches its peak. Now if you invest your money during a peak and it goes down after that, it may take a long time for your investments to recover their value.

    Earning good profits in the market is not a short-term game. It needs patience, a little planning, and of course, some luck.

    So, this is a good bull run, but it might be better for you to wait for the right opportunity to invest.

    I will keep writing more about this. Hope it helps.

  • Book Review: The Great Gatsby

    I just finished reading the The Great Gatsby. It is the first book I read on my new Kindle e-reader. I bought this new Kindle to read the most popular classics and this book marked its beginning.

    The Great Gatsby is a very popular book which has been made into multiple movies as well.

    I had started reading this book multiple times in the past, but could not go past the second chapter. And I understood its reason after reading the whole book.

    In this book containing 9 chapters, Mr. Jay Gatsby, who gives his name to this book, actually appears briefly in chapter 3 before properly appearing in chapters 4 to 8. First 2 chapters are filled with meaningless information about Gatsby’s parties which has nothing to do with the story.

    Though it may seem that such description is required to create the real livid image of the lavish party’s thrown by Gatsby, it is overdone. At one place, a lot of guests are named with their short histories, which seems completely redundant.

    Apart from the redundant parts, the story has merits of its own. It is a story about the dreams of a poor boy who loves a rich girl and could not get her, and his quest to get her (who is now married with a child), and not only get her, to hear from her that she has only loved him, and no one else.

    The innocence of Gatsby is touching at places and selfishness & carelessness of Daisy (her estranged lover) is something to despise her.

    I felt that the characters were not properly built and the meaningless description given at the beginning of the story could be replaced by more verbosity towards the second half of the story.

    I could not feel the lost connection between Nick & Ms. Baker. Their breakup felt abrupt.

    Tom Buchanan, Daisy’s husband, seems such a cliché character today as we have seen similar characters in innumerable novels & movies. It can be attributed to the story being 100 years old. I am sure it would have been original when this book was originally published in the 1920’s.

    Reading old books feel like a time capsule. You can feel the rythm of the depicted era in all earnestness as it was written in that era. The narrator describes the three killings as holocaust, though this word has got much bigger meaning almost 2 decades after this novel during holocaust in Germany.

    It tells us that world was a different place, though not different in a good sense, before the financial crisis of 1929-33, World War 2, Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki etc.

    It also describes how the world was before current technology. When Daisy feels pride mentioning that her husband has been photographed 127 times in his life as an achievement. It shows how far we have come in terms of technology.

    Though I feel that lack of current technology did not hamper anything in life even 100 years ago. Life goes on the way it is.

    One interesting thing I found out was that Fitzgerald, the author of the book, has heavily based this story on his own life. He based Gatsby on himself, Daisy is based on his estranged teenage lover, Tom is based on her lover’s husband & father, Baker is also based on a real person. Also, the story loosely matches a story written by her estranged lover and gifted to Fitzgerald. Search the internet to read more about this.

    Overall, the book is a one-time read with some really good quotes. I am listing my favorite quotes from this book here.

    You can buy a copy of this book from here- [The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald](

    > Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.

    > Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope.

    > ‘There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.’


    > What was the use of doing great things if I could have a better time telling her what I was going to do?’

    > They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made….

  • The Ultimate Guide to CAT Preparation: Tips and Tricks

    If you are planning to pursue a career in management, then cracking the Common Admission Test (CAT) is crucial. CAT is a computer-based test conducted every year for admissions to top management colleges in India. Preparing for CAT requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and planning. In this article, we will guide you through the entire process of preparing for CAT.

    ##1. Understand the exam structure and syllabus

    Before you start your preparation, it’s essential to understand the CAT exam structure and syllabus. CAT is a 3-hour computer-based test that consists of 100 questions divided into three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DI & LR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). Each section has a time limit of 1 hour.

    The CAT syllabus covers various topics such as Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Sentence Correction, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Modern Mathematics. It’s essential to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern before you start your preparation.

    ##2. Set a study plan

    Once you have a good understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus, the next step is to set a study plan. Having a study plan will help you organize your preparation, stay focused, and track your progress. You can start by creating a study schedule and allocating specific hours for each topic.

    It’s essential to create a study plan that works for you. Some students prefer studying early in the morning, while others prefer studying late at night. Choose a time when you are most productive and focused.

    ##3. Choose the right study materials

    Choosing the right study materials is crucial for CAT preparation. There are various CAT preparation books, online resources, and coaching classes available in the market. It’s essential to choose the right study materials that suit your learning style.

    Start with the basics and then move on to more advanced topics. Make sure to practice as many questions as possible from each topic. Joining a coaching class can also be beneficial as it provides you with expert guidance and helps you stay motivated.

    ##4. Focus on weak areas
    Identifying your weak areas is crucial for CAT preparation. It’s essential to focus on your weak areas and turn them into strengths. Make a list of topics that you find difficult and allocate more time for those topics.

    Solving previous years’ question papers can help you identify your weak areas. It’s essential to practice as many questions as possible from your weak areas to gain confidence.

    ##5.Take mock tests and analyze them

    Mock tests are an integral part of CAT preparation. Taking mock tests helps you get familiar with the exam pattern, improve your time management skills, and analyze your performance. Make sure to take at least one mock test per week during your preparation.

    After taking the mock test, it’s essential to analyze your performance. Identify your mistakes and weaknesses and work on improving them. Also, make sure to revise the topics that you find difficult.

    ##6. Stay motivated and stay calm

    Preparing for CAT can be stressful and challenging. It’s essential to stay motivated and calm during the preparation phase. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who encourage and motivate you.

    Make sure to take breaks and indulge in activities that help you relax and rejuvenate. Yoga, meditation, and exercise can be beneficial in managing stress and anxiety.


    Preparing for CAT requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and planning. It’s essential to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern before you start your preparation. Setting a study plan, choosing the right study materials, focusing on weak areas, taking mock tests, and staying motivated and calm will help you crack the CAT exam and achieve your dream of pursuing an MBA from an IIM.

    I hope this article on “How to prepare for CAT” has provided you with valuable insights and tips. Good luck with your CAT preparation!

  • Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing: Which Is Right for You?

    Self-publishing and traditional publishing are two primary methods for getting a book into the hands of readers. While traditional publishing has been the traditional route for authors for decades, self-publishing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Both options have their pros and cons, and the decision to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher depends on a variety of factors.

    In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the differences between self-publishing and traditional publishing, and explore the benefits and drawbacks of each.


    Self-publishing is the process of publishing a book without the help of a traditional publishing house. In this model, the author takes full responsibility for editing, formatting, marketing, and distribution.

    One of the biggest advantages of self-publishing is creative control. The author has complete control over the content, cover design, and marketing plan. The author can also set the price and distribution channels, giving them more flexibility and control over the book’s profitability.

    Another advantage of self-publishing is speed to market. The author can publish the book as soon as it’s ready, without waiting for approval from a publisher. This allows the author to take advantage of trends or events that might be relevant to the book’s topic.

    Self-publishing also offers higher royalties than traditional publishing. Because the author retains control over the book’s pricing and distribution, they can earn a higher percentage of the profits. For example, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) offers royalties of up to 70% for ebooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99.

    However, self-publishing also has some significant drawbacks. Perhaps the biggest challenge is that the author is responsible for all aspects of the publishing process. This includes editing, formatting, cover design, and marketing. These tasks can be time-consuming and require a range of skills that the author may not possess.

    For example, editing is a critical part of the publishing process, but it can be difficult for an author to objectively edit their own work. Professional editors can be expensive, and many authors may not have the budget to hire one.

    Marketing is another challenge for self-publishers. While the author has complete control over the marketing plan, it can be difficult to gain traction and reach a wide audience. Without the support of a publishing house, the author must rely on their own efforts to promote the book, which can be time-consuming and require specialized knowledge.

    Distribution can also be a challenge for self-publishers. While platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Noble offer easy access to readers, getting the book into bookstores or libraries can be difficult without the support of a publishing house.

    Despite these challenges, self-publishing can be a viable option for many authors. With the right skills and resources, self-publishing can be a rewarding and profitable way to bring a book to market.

    ##Traditional publishing

    Traditional publishing is the process of working with a publishing house to produce and distribute a book. In this model, the publisher takes responsibility for editing, formatting, cover design, marketing, and distribution.

    One of the biggest advantages of traditional publishing is the resources that are available to authors. Publishing houses typically provide professional editing, design, and marketing services, which can help ensure that the book is of high quality and reaches a wide audience.

    Traditional publishing can also offer greater visibility and access to distribution channels. Publishing houses have established relationships with bookstores, libraries, and other retailers, which can make it easier for the book to reach readers.

    Another advantage of traditional publishing is the potential for larger advances. Advances are upfront payments that publishers offer to authors in exchange for the right to publish the book. These advances can be significant and can provide financial support to the author while they work onthe book.

    However, traditional publishing also has some significant drawbacks. Perhaps the biggest challenge is the highly competitive submission process. Publishing houses receive thousands of submissions each year, and only a small percentage of them are accepted. This can make it difficult for new authors to break into the industry.

    The submission process can also be lengthy, taking anywhere from several months to several years. This can be frustrating for authors who are eager to see their work in print.

    Once a book is accepted by a publishing house, the author typically has less creative control. The publisher may make changes to the content, cover design, or marketing plan, which can be frustrating for some authors.

    Traditional publishing can also offer lower royalties than self-publishing. Because the publisher takes a percentage of the profits, the author may earn a smaller percentage of the book’s earnings. Advances can also be problematic if the book doesn’t sell enough copies to recoup the advance.

    Despite these challenges, traditional publishing can be a viable option for many authors. The resources and support offered by publishing houses can be invaluable, and the prestige of being published by a reputable publisher can be a major selling point.

    ##Factors to consider

    When deciding whether to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher, there are several factors to consider.

    1. Goals: What are your goals as an author? Do you want to make a living from writing, or are you more interested in sharing your work with a wider audience? Your goals will influence your decision.

    2. Budget: How much money do you have to invest in the publishing process? Self-publishing can be expensive, and traditional publishing may require travel and other expenses.

    3. Time: How quickly do you want to get your book into the hands of readers? Self-publishing can be faster than traditional publishing, but it also requires more time and effort on the author’s part.

    4. Creative control: How important is creative control to you? If you’re passionate about having complete control over your book’s content, cover design, and marketing plan, self-publishing may be a better option.

    5. Resources: What resources do you have available to you? If you have editing, design, or marketing skills, self-publishing may be a good fit. If not, traditional publishing may provide the support you need.

    6. Audience: Who is your target audience? If you’re writing for a niche market, self-publishing may be a better option, as you can reach a highly targeted audience. If you’re writing for a wider audience, traditional publishing may provide greater visibility.


    In conclusion, self-publishing and traditional publishing are two viable options for authors. Self-publishing can offer greater creative control, faster time-to-market, and higher royalties, but it also requires a significant investment of time and money. Traditional publishing can offer greater visibility, resources, and potential for larger advances, but it can also be highly competitive and require giving up some control over the final product.

    The decision to self-publish or seek a traditional publisher depends on a variety of factors, including your goals as an author, your budget, and the type of book you want to publish. It’s important to research both options carefully and consider all factors before making a decision.

  • 7 Effective Strategies to Overcome Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals

    Procrastination can be a difficult habit to break, but here are some tips that may help you avoid procrastinating:

    1. Set clear goals: When you have clear goals in mind, it’s easier to stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked by distractions.

    2. Break tasks into smaller pieces: Sometimes, the sheer size of a task can be overwhelming and lead to procrastination. Breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces can help you make progress and stay motivated.

    3. Create a schedule: Set aside specific times each day to work on tasks and create a schedule that you can stick to. This can help you stay on track and avoid putting things off until later.

    4. Eliminate distractions: Identify and remove distractions that may be tempting you to procrastinate, such as social media or TV.

    5. Use positive self-talk: Instead of telling yourself that you can’t do something or that it’s too difficult, use positive self-talk to encourage yourself to get started and make progress.

    6. Reward yourself: Set up a system of rewards for when you accomplish tasks or reach specific milestones. This can help motivate you to stay focused and avoid procrastination.

    7. Get accountability: Share your goals and progress with someone you trust, like a friend or a coach, who can hold you accountable and provide support and encouragement when needed.

    Remember, overcoming procrastination is a gradual process, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. With persistence and dedication, you can develop new habits that will help you avoid procrastination and achieve your goals.

  • How to detect English/ASCII string in PHP

    There is no direct function for this in my knowledge. But it can be done easily like so.

    if ( mb_strlen( $string, ‘ASCII’ ) === mb_strlen( $string, ‘utf-8’ ) ) {
    return true;

  • The state of automobile dealerships in India

    My father had a "not-so-great" experience during routine service of his two-wheeler vehicle at a Honda service-center at my hometown. And it is the same for most dealerships and service outlets of major automobile companies in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities in India.

    These dealerships are operated as local businesses and though they adhere to company standards, they do not have consistent service quality across outlets.

    Usually these dealers have monopoly in their area for the given brand as it is not easy to replace a dealer due to various factors like lengthy compliance requirements, less number of eligible people and high costs involved.

    That’s why even after multiple customer complaints, these dealerships keep going on even with their poor service quality without any substantial action from the automobile company. This, along with lack of competition, makes them even more complacent.

    A "perfect" world would be where every business strives to give best service to its customers. But as they say, nothing is "perfect".

    servicequality #automobile #dealership

  • Sending JSON with data Javascript Fetch

    An important reminder to include following header while sending data in Javascript fetch() call in JSON format.

    Also, do not forget to use JSON.Stringify().

    var data = { some_data: ABC};
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify( data ),

    This is not needed if you are creating a form data object and appending data to it.

    var data = new FormData();
    data.append( 'some_data', 'ABC' );
  • Disable RSS Feed Pages in WordPress

    To disable RSS feed pages in WordPress, hook into the action filters provided for each feed page function and then redirect to the home page.

    // Disable RSS feed pages
    add_action( 'do_feed', 'disable_rss_feed_pages', 1);
    add_action( 'do_feed_rdf', 'disable_rss_feed_pages', 1);
    add_action( 'do_feed_rss', 'disable_rss_feed_pages', 1);
    add_action( 'do_feed_rss2', 'disable_rss_feed_pages', 1);
    add_action( 'do_feed_atom', 'disable_rss_feed_pages', 1);
    add_action( 'do_feed_rss2_comments', 'disable_rss_feed_pages', 1);
    add_action( 'do_feed_atom_comments', 'disable_rss_feed_pages', 1);
    function disable_rss_feed_pages() {
        wp_redirect( site_url() );
  • Safety & Liquidity of Debt Mutual Funds

    Yesterday I wrote an article about Debt Mutual Funds.

    I got a few questions about the liquidity and safety of a particular fund. So, I am adding a few more points.

    Many Debt Mutual Funds like Nippon, Axis and HDFC offer instant redemption and you get the money within 30 minutes.

    Safety of money means that the fund will not run away with your money. Market risk is there but it is almost zero for short-duration funds invested for a longer term.

    In the past, withdrawals have been restricted even in the case of prestigious banks when the banks were facing issues.

    Obviously, you should not blindly go for any Debt Mutual Fund just like you do not go for any FD offered at much higher interest rates by various NBFCs and smaller banks.

    Similarly, in the case of Debt Mutual Fund, it all depends on various factors like the fund’s category, company, fund manager, duration of investment, past record, etc.

    My article is about the overall advantages of Debt Mutual Fund over FDs and of course, both have their share of pros and cons. And there may be exceptional edge cases as well.

    Only after considering all the factors should you make your investment decision.

    investment #mutualfund #fixeddeposit

  • FDs are destroying your wealth

    If you are still making FDs of your monthly savings, you are destroying your wealth.

    Interest on FDs is taxable. That means the current interest rate of about 5.5% effectively gives you ~3.8% return on your money (Assuming you fall in the highest income tax slab).

    With more than 6% inflation, your money is losing its value.

    DEBT Mutual Funds is a better alternative which is tax efficient, gives better returns and is quite safe.

    Debt Mutual Funds are different than EQUITY Mutual Funds because they lend your money to government & companies rather than investing it in the stock market.

    A good Debt Mutual Fund can give you better returns than FDs, depending on the fund’s category.

    A few benefits are-

    • Mutual Funds in India are very tightly regulated, so your money is as safe as it was in the bank.

    • You will be taxed only if you withdraw the money. So, if you do not withdraw the money, you will have to pay ZERO taxes on the return.

    • If you withdraw money after 3 or more years, you get indexation benefit which further reduces income tax to an effective rate of 6-7%.

    • SEBI has defined different categories for Debt Mutual Funds based on the duration of loans and the type of companies to which loans are given.

    That means for safer investment, you can go for the funds with shortest duration or those that give loans only to the reputed companies.

    • There is no penalty for withdrawing money early, unlike FDs where you pay penalty if you withdraw the money before completing the term.

    • Debt Mutual Funds are highly liquid & you can withdraw your money in minutes. So, you can avoid keeping large sums of money in the savings account.

    So, it seems like a good time to move your money from FDs to Debt Mutual Funds.

  • A useful tip to save upto Rs.15k in tax: Section 80TTB for Senior Citizens

    As we are just 2 days away from the last date of filing income tax return, here is a useful tip to save upto Rs.15k in tax.

    If you are helping out a senior citizen in filing their Income Tax Return, do not forget section 80TTB which allows Rs.50k deduction on their interest income from both bank FDs and savings.

    This can save them upto Rs.15k if they fall in the highest income tax slab.

    On the contrary, section 80TTA which is applicable to individuals less than 60 years old, allows deduction upto Rs.10k that too only on the savings interest income.

    itr #tax #incometaxreturn

  • WordPress adding slashes in POST requests

    WordPress adds slashes before quotes even if we do not want to use magic quotes.

    To solve this problem, you can use either of the following two functions on the values returned from POST requests-

    • wp_unslash
    • stripslashes_deep
