The state of automobile dealerships in India

My father had a "not-so-great" experience during routine service of his two-wheeler vehicle at a Honda service-center at my hometown. And it is the same for most dealerships and service outlets of major automobile companies in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities in India.

These dealerships are operated as local businesses and though they adhere to company standards, they do not have consistent service quality across outlets.

Usually these dealers have monopoly in their area for the given brand as it is not easy to replace a dealer due to various factors like lengthy compliance requirements, less number of eligible people and high costs involved.

That’s why even after multiple customer complaints, these dealerships keep going on even with their poor service quality without any substantial action from the automobile company. This, along with lack of competition, makes them even more complacent.

A "perfect" world would be where every business strives to give best service to its customers. But as they say, nothing is "perfect".

servicequality #automobile #dealership


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