Training Begins…

As you would have read in my last post of this series, we all were very much excited about Infy training. After the formal induction week, started the real training, the technical training. As per our training schedule, we had three stages of training: Generic (basic), Intermediate & Stream (specialization). Soft skills training was also a part of the training and sessions were scheduled in between the regular technical training.

In the starting of the training, we were given different colour tags, like the various houses in our schools. Each one of us was given a colour tag out of seven colours which were based on seven initial founders of the company. All the extracurricular activities were held between these seven teams. I was given red tag.

So, we had our first technical module. Full of energy, I studied hard and scored a good grade. That first module made me realize that Infy has very high quality study material, though the trainers were good, not excellent. After our first exam in Infy, we were again given a nice break in the form of PSD (Personality Skills Development) classes. A fashion show was organized with the theme of business dressing etiquette.

This was the time when the trainees were getting comfortable with each other. I made lots of new friends and we had great fun all the time. The fashion show gave us a chance to know even more people and work as a team. I came to know a lot of good people and we together presented a nice show. We stood second.

After the fashion show, the generic training resumed which spanned for nearly a month. The attitude of people was changing. The training pressure was increasing. A few people left the company in this period. Few ran away after they got failed in a module test. I was not sure what went wrong as I was happy with the training. I was learning new things the way I always wanted to learn them.

There was a very nice musical fountain in front of the training building (GEC-2, Global Education Center-2). It was put on for an hour in the evening and many of us used to sit there to get relaxed from the training pressure. It sometimes played Infosys Song (a very nice theme song for Infosys) and I used to enjoy it.

Infosys Mysore has an awesome Employee Care Center with almost all the imaginable facilities including a very nice multiplex, where we had our induction sessions. Movies were showcased every weekend in that and was free for us. I loved to stand in the long queue for tickets with friends 2 hours before the ticket distribution began.

In our class, a strange trend began. A family was formed. There was a “Papa”, a “Mummy”, a “Bua” (aunt), a “Chaachoo” (uncle), many kids, a “Dada” (grandpa), a “Dadi” (grandma) and padosi (neighbors). The Papa was actually a girl and the Mummy was actually a boy. This was the biggest funny family and we used to call each other by these names. We also had a “Musa Bhai”. She was kind of our training world don. Bua left us after the generic training and was shifted to another batch. However, she regularly visited us till the training end.

So, with all the emotions, we completed a phase of training. We were now a huge group of people who had great fun everyday.


75 responses to “Training Begins…”

  1. Akash dhyani Akash Avatar

    Hey abhineet!
    I am confused whether i should be going for MCA further studies or should i go for the infy training? Can you please give me an advice?
    Also what salary i can expect after leaving infy 1-2 or 5years?!

  2. Gajanan Wadekar Avatar
    Gajanan Wadekar

    Hi Abhineet,
    I got placed in Infosys BPO in Last March and still I did not bet any offer letter. Do you have any idea when would they gonna send it.

    1. Abhineet Avatar


  3. jayatri mullick Avatar
    jayatri mullick

    hi sir, i am a bca student.i just want to know what are the opportunities and next designation of (independent verification and validation service) operations/testing executive at level 2.which is better infrastructure service or independent verification and validation service?means testing executive in infosys or project engineer gis at wipro? @abhineet

  4. Abhishek Das Avatar

    Actually i am selected as a executive operation. What about the future as a executive operation. What is the training period and bond details..

  5. P V Walke Avatar
    P V Walke

    Hi, abhineet
    I have been placed as a system engineer at infosys bpo, will the role be same as at infosys technologies ?
    i also do not know the responsibilities at infosys bpo as a system engineer.
    would you pls suggest the same and also tell me whether to join the same or no !

    1. Manasi Avatar

      I also got placed for same position in bpo one month back, according to me u might have well experience now to answer your question can you explain me what experience of being system engineer in Ibpo whats salary hike strategies are there what is future there?

  6. nitin Avatar

    Hi ,i got selected as a systems engineer in infy , few days back i heard that exams conducted after training in infy are too difficult to clear … is it so??? if yes den plz assist me with some topics so that i can start my preparation well in advance .

  7. sharief Avatar

    hai I want to ask the,training would be very tough eh..on what basis they will select their employees from training

  8. Abhineet Avatar

    For me, bond duration was 1 year after training (That was in 2010). Not sure about the current status.

    1. indhumathi Avatar

      What will be the posting for bca students? Training will be same for bca and be?

  9. keerthi Avatar

    at the time of registration I hav choosen BE instead of BTech assuming that both are same and at that time I didn’t see that option actually. I got selected in campus placements. Do I hav to inform them. the application form what I hav declared has those details only. if I hav to, then whom should I inform?

  10. chinni Avatar

    hi abhineet…. iam selected in infosys and training for mysore in september. Is really tough in training period? and how to avoid that?

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      No. Just be confident and have fun. It is going to be the best time of your life. All The Best.

  11. Abhineet Avatar

    I had my training a long time ago. Also, I have already left Infosys. So, I do not have any idea of current salary status as well as training duration.
    At my time. accommodation charges were deducted from our salaries and for food we had to pay separately.

  12. Abhineet Avatar

    Are you sure that it was a call from Infosys only. Anyways, in case of doubt, contact the Infosys officials.

  13. SanjeevKumarDash Avatar

    Hello Abhineet. I have one query regarding the job profile of system engineer. How is it different from software engineer/developer? Does every fresher join infosys as system engineer? Plz Reply

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Systems Engineer is just a designation. It is another name given to software developer/engineer. Yes, every B.Tech fresher who joins as a software developer, joins as a system engineer only.

  14. Sakthi Rashmi Avatar
    Sakthi Rashmi

    I’m pursuing B.E and I have been placed in Infosys on 23rd oct 2013. But i am really worried about the call letter for training some say that it may even take 2 yrs to get it.Even my seniors who got recruited 2 yrs back got the letter only by last month. Is it so?? How about the scenario now?? If the answer is yes for the first one then I should look for other companies.Please do answer me..

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      At my time, I got it in 3 months. I am not sure of what is going on at present. It depends on the market scenario.

  15. Aneel Reddy Avatar
    Aneel Reddy

    hey..recently got placed in infy.i did my B.E in civil engineering.i just want to know in which courses and programming languages i should excel myself to get a head start and be comfortable with training period???? kindly reply me at

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      I have replied to this earlier. Please check comments in following posts:

  16. sarthak Avatar

    i am a fresher,does infosys recruit through reference from it employee?? if so,they directly call for interview or conduct wrtn test and then interview???

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      No idea about this.

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