Finally, its Mysore…

Mysore Palace

Mysore PalaceMysore. Yes, it’s Mysore. I like this place a lot and luckily I am going to spend some more time here. After the completion of my training, I got posted in Infosys Mysore DC. It was joyful because I have spent a good time during my training here, and I could still enjoy being here. But, at that time I didn’t realize how hard is to say good bye to all the people, whom I didn’t even know before I came here, but who are not strangers to me anymore. They are my best buddies with whom I have lived a new life here, in Mysore. It is amazing that in such a short time, we made strong bonds.

Out of 600 people in our batch, a whopping 33% got Chennai, about 16.67% got Bangalore, 25% got Pune, 8.5% got Chandigarh and remaining got Hyderabad, Bhubaneshwar, Mangalore and Trivandrum. Only 0.2% got posted in Mysore. I was happy to be here, but at the same time, it was too hard to say good bye to all the remaining 99.8% people. But finally, they all went to their destined places.

Each one of us got their new life, but now we are no more trainees. It feels like we are no more students. During training, the environment here makes you feel like a student, though here you are getting paid for being one. We enjoyed roaming around the campus at nights, doing limitless photography of almost every part of campus, dancing endlessly on DJ nights, eating bread jam while sitting on streets on New Year night, getting crazy when India won the World Cup, studying in GEC till late nights and many more moments which have been embarked on our hearts for our entire life.

This training time, turned us from nerds to professionals. We learned how to be responsible. A lot of good habits became a part of our lives like not littering our surroundings, walking on footpaths, walking long distances without vehicles, keeping things properly, dressing up professionally etc. These things became the part of our lives without even our knowledge. A few weeks back, I went to market and was unable to throw an empty bottle because I didn’t find a dustbin in the way. When I came to campus and threw the bottle in the dustbin, then I realized that I was carrying it with me. It becomes the mindset.

However there are also some bad habits which I got here. Many times outside campus, when somewhere I go to washroom to wash hands, I put my hands below tap and wait for the water to come itself. Then I realize, oh, its not Infy. When I go to collect some ticket or buy something, I stand in a queue where I notice people running haphazardly to get their chance first. Again, I realize, I am outside the campus. Many times in restaurants, when I complete my food, I pick my plates to drop in washing area, but suddenly I come to know that I am not inside the campus. It happens in many cases and these things remind me of the great life we have inside the campus.

With those memories, today when I walk around this campus, it feels good to be a part of those times. All my buddies have settled in their new places. Wherever we go, the things we learnt here, the memories we made here, the life we lived here, all of them are indispensable. These are sweet memories which will remain in our hearts forever.


9 responses to “Finally, its Mysore…”

  1. SAKTHI Avatar


  2. shreya Avatar

    how did you prepare for cat staying in Mysore? I am also from Infosys Mysore planning to go for MBA.

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      I prepared after my training in Mysore was over and I was assigned to a project in Hyderabad.


    sir i recently got placement in infosys after that i got mail that ur application is complete n under review after that i didn’t get any other mail regarding joining or accommodation etc i m really excited to join infosys what is next gw much more i need to wait ..some of my friends have joining date of july 3rd please help me..

  4. Abi Avatar

    Hello sir,
    I got placed in Infosys as System Engineer and DOJ is June 2013. Its told I would under go an online training for few months before going to Mysore campus. Will there be an online training or I would join Mysore campus on the specified date.

  5. Aiswarya Avatar

    Missing those ays abhineet!!!

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Hey Aishwarya! I miss those days too…

  6. vijay Avatar

    Nice description sir.Yeah it so exciting to have new friends and the transition from a college boy to a full fledged software professional.It is the company of new people and surrounding which brings changes in us.Looking forward for new posts of you.God bless

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Vijay! Yes, the transition was quite exciting and it is ongoing. 🙂

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