When Pilot Pen was a precious possession

PilotPenThe other day, I was resting on my bed after a stressful day in the office just when I felt a familiar fragrance. I felt delighted and opened my eyes and found some new books which had just arrived and were kept on my bed side table. I turned the pages of one book and smelled the soothing air rushing out of the turning pages. That fragrance reminded me of the beautiful childhood days when I was at my home.

During school days, each year, when the new session started, I eagerly waited for the new syllabus books. I enjoyed the visit to the bookseller with my father and buying all the books. I loved to read all the stories in the English and Hindi books as soon as I got home. The pleasure of holding the new books, with new plans for the new class cannot be expressed in words.

The course books were given to binders to get them binded with rexene paper. The decision of rexene colour (black, grey, blue, maroon) was a hard one.

After the course books, came the turn of the notebooks. My mom and dad covered the notebooks by brown papers. Selecting from among the beautiful cartoon nameslips was my task. Deciding which slip to paste on which notebook was a tough task, atleast for a kid. Then it was covered by plastic sheets, kind of laminated.

Likewise came the practical files, drawing files, and stationery like new geometry box, Stick pens, Natraj HB pencils, Natraj sharpener (we used to call it cutter), Apsara eraser, Natraj ruler (we used to call it scale) and pencil box. Most of the times, a new school bag too.

New class meant new school dress. Choosing from the colours which best matches the colour prescribed by our school was again a challenge. They said grey trousers and I dont know why somehow my grey was always different from their grey. It was a burden to keep those white shirts white till the school got over in the afternoon. New shoes, new white socks, tie and school belt.

I remember that my school was even more important to my parents and they stopped all their work to prepare me for the school. Ironed dress, polished shoes, tiffin full with delicious hot food it was all ready before I even woke up. When I went to school, my mom used to bade me bye till my rickshaw disappeared from the view.

It was a tradition that I lost atleast one water bottle every year. Sometimes the cap of water bottle had a game of small steel balls where the balls were to be put in the middle ring of the maze. I loved playing that game on my way from school to home by the rickshaw.

I feel amazed to realize that at that time, how important was each and every thing to me. Owning a Pilot pen (Gifted by my father on my birth day) and using it for writing in examinations was a moment of pride. The cardboard pads with clips for exams, with cartoon characters were awesome possessions.

Suddenly my mobile rang. A reminder to wake up. I came back to present. Some work to do. I have to read a report which is on my laptop. As we all use technology now-a-days, with environmentalists loudly appealing to minimize the use of paper, I wonder will it be a real life for the new generation to read and learn without the fragrance of new books.

I still feel delighted to remember old days, not just because of the memory, but also due to some stimuli like fragrance of paper which is still the same as it used to be. Sensing these things today, I feel like reliving those moments for a while. But if the present generation kids will not have any fragrance attached to their memory, all they will know is the silicon based material (used to make computing devices) for everything they do. In that case, when they will grow up, how will they embrace and cherish the golden moments of their childhood as much as we can do today…


30 responses to “When Pilot Pen was a precious possession”

  1. stephen Avatar

    That smell leaves a great reminder that touches the soul, I am from Mumbai, School in Mumbai begins in June (peak monsoon). So i also associate the rains and the smell of new books together. Just like how the new vegetation springs up after the rains, similarly a new year brings new opportunities and memories, brought back by the smell of stationary.

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      The fragrance of wet soil after fresh rains is so good. Combined with the fragrance of new books, it’s definitely amazing.

  2. Alankrati Rastogi Avatar
    Alankrati Rastogi

    truly said……the fragnance of books do have the power to transport us to a different place…………..

  3. Archana Avatar

    All your posts have a Paulo Coelho touch to it. They are heart rending. You could become a great writer. I too have a ink pen collection of mine. Sadly all of them have retired and do not write anymore. But sometimes just for the thrill of it, I pretend to write with it while sitting on the last bench of a boring lecture.

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you for such a great comment. It is encouraging for me to write more and better.
      You too should keep writing. And please also share it with me to read. 🙂

  4. Abhineet Avatar

    Thank you Palvi 🙂

  5. Palvi Avatar

    Beautifully written…ditto…i still luv d fragrance of new books..these r d unforgettable memories to b cherished…:)

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Palvi 🙂

  6. Nandana Avatar

    Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories.Great post 🙂

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Nandana 🙂

  7. Jen Avatar

    Wow! You revived my own childhood memories through this! Great post! 🙂

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Jen 🙂

  8. buzzzzzz Avatar

    i too had a water bottle like dat..eeeeeee!! will go search for one jus to relive the good days!!

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Hi buzzzzzz! Do tell me your experience when you find it. 🙂

  9. Anuradha Avatar

    Also, I love this font and would like to have the same for my blog… Pls share the font name

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      The font name is “Trebuchet MS”…

  10. Anuradha Avatar

    Loved and connected with every bit of your post… Brown covers, pilot pens, new uniforms, canvas shoes, natraj, single line double line books, gumboots, ink pens, raincoats… There’s an aroma connected with everything… The aroma of childhood. Seriously, wonder what today’s kids will remember in future! Must read this post again 20 years from now!

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Anuradha. The list of our childhood memories is endless. I am afraid what if future kids have it limited to iPads and Facebook…

  11. Sheetanshu Avatar

    Finaly the wait is over !!
    Every time when i receive my courier containing a new book or novel, the first thing that i do after opening the wrapper is to feel that awsome fragrance.
    Realy a very nice effort to bring us back to unforgotable school days. Just one request plz be more regular with your posts. Accept my heartiest wishes for the next one in advance.

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Hi Sheetanshu, I am really sorry for I kept you waiting for such a long time. I am trying to be a lot more regular with my posts now.
      Thank you so much for the encouragement which is keeping my spirits high to write more and better. 🙂

  12. megha garg Avatar
    megha garg

    very very true…i still love that fragrance and still remember the strict aura of principal’s office

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Megha! 🙂

  13. alka rastogi Avatar

    surely u would have made ur mum cry by sooo emotional & touching lines……….But it;s true these r the feelings frm heart 2 heart..
    matter doesn’t matters a lot origiality matters more ..
    all the best…

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you so much Aunty! 🙂

  14. chandan Avatar

    ultimate yaar ,still loves the frangrance of new books

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Chandan 🙂

  15. Dr. ShivAditya Avatar
    Dr. ShivAditya

    Good to read this one…. went into old GOLDEN memories, the unforgettable times of childhood…. 🙂

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Shiva 🙂

  16. pankaj yadav Avatar
    pankaj yadav

    awesome yaar…it reminded me the golden memories of mah childhood days…..too good….jst keep this gud work up…

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Thank you Pankaj! 🙂

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