Intermediate, Stream & Location: Luck by Chance

As a result of the learning, I developed a small and simple desktop app called โ€œProcess Killerโ€ which somehow went viral in the entire training center. It was finally declared illegal when a few trainees apparently used it for cheating in the exams (it was not meant to do that, some people are really smart). It was unexpected, though it was a success of my learning.

So, we completed the generic training and got into intermediate stage. By now, we lost a few classmates who could not clear the exams and were shifted to new batches. The complexity of the course was increasing with every day and the module tests every now and then were enough to thrill us.

In between, we tried to find some time to watch the movies showcased in multiplex on weekends and to take a round of Mysore city. It was a strange feeling, we were enjoying the life but were too worried about the training, study.

Infosys Mysore campus is a happening place where you can find events going on anyday anywhere in the campus. They may be some festival celebrations, any particular unit specific fun activities, cricket, football etc. matches, awareness camps etc.

With increasing number of interns in the campus, bushes also became happening places and one could find security guards more alert and ready to catch the culprits all the time.

With all this fun and worry, intermediate stage was completed. It was the time when streams were allocated to us. It was purely a luck based game and they did not have a process to fit people to a stream according to their interest and capability. I was lucky enough to get the stream I wanted: Dot NET.

Again, the shuffling of people and due to very small number of people who got Dot NET in my intermediate section, I hardly knew more than a few people in my stream class. Though, it again gave me an opportunity to make new friends.

The training material for stream training was remarkable and I learnt a lot from it. As a result of the learning, I developed a small and simple desktop app called โ€œProcess Killerโ€ which somehow went viral in the entire training center. It was finally declared illegal when a few trainees apparently used it for cheating in the exams (it was not meant to do that, some people are really smart). It was unexpected, though it was a success of my learning.

Stream training spanned little more than a month and once we were done with the final exam (compre), we were jumping with joy like a monkey rescued from a cage.

Training was over. It was time for getting posted to a Development Center. Infy has build some of the most beautiful campuses in the world. However, they are at some of the most unfavorable locations. But, we could not choose our location. Again, luck came to my rescue, and I got posted in Mysore itself. I was relieved as I did not want to go to one of the extreme locations which most of my batchmates got. But it came at a cost. I, with one of my college friends, was alone in Mysore campus and we could not do anything about it. Posting locations were written on stone, at least according to the HR. (Fortunately, we both got transferred to Hyderabad after 7 months).

When I completed my training, my heart was filled with joy, inspiration at its heights and a new spirit in my blood to win the world with my newly developed skills. Little did I know that it was all going to get wasted. Production life was not what was projected during training (This can be a topic of some future post).

So, overall, Infosys Mysore Training was an awesome experience which is hard to forget. The most important part is that I got a chance to meet so many good people who are now friends for life. I also enjoyed a great lifestyle. And of course, the knowledge I gained is indispensable.

This post completes the three part seriesย Infosys Mysore Training: A Walk to Cherish for Life. If you want to know more about my experiences, I am always here to answer your queries.


35 responses to “Intermediate, Stream & Location: Luck by Chance”

  1. Rohan George Avatar
    Rohan George

    Great article Sir !

    I have heard that a candidate is not allowed to bring his/her own computer into the campus. Is this true? If we want to do something on the side, how can we go about it if there is such a restriction? You can reach me on

  2. Ashika Avatar

    Hi! If you have the solution for the assignments and exercises can you please share… My stream is MS which is basically .net.

  3. Sravya Vemula Avatar

    Hello,i am a trainee of infosys. I got my posting to pune dc.How do i get relocated ?
    If i contact my HR now,will they accept to relocate me to Hyderabad.I have no strong reasons except that my mom stays all alone in Hyderabad.

  4. Sanket Avatar

    Hello, I am an employee who just joined Chennai DC with ENGNE as my unit.
    Can you help me understand the process of a transfer to another DC. I don’t have any personal reasons which can justify my need for transfer. Can you please help me get an official transfer or any kind of information in this matter?

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      You should contact your project manager or HR for transfer.

  5. Sunil modi Avatar
    Sunil modi

    Hi, Abhijit
    My daughter is at Mysore Infosys and now she got a stream training of window track. Please explain about this stream and scope of it.

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      When I joined Infosys, there was no such stream. So, I have no idea about this stream. BTW, my name is Abhineet, not Abhijit.

    2. sunil modi Avatar
      sunil modi

      Sorry Abhineet, First she has given ims stream in her 1st module now she has clear 1st module now theey have given window track

    3. Abhineet Avatar

      Ok. This seems a new stream and working with Windows would definitely be a good experience.

  6. Athira Avatar

    I got joining date on 14th Dec. And I’m excited to join infosys. I want to know that can we take leave ( 2 -3 days)during training period? And also I’m a bsc maths graduate. will it be a tough job for me to pass the training?

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      I am not sure about the training for your job profile as I am engineering graduate.

  7. Bobby Avatar

    hi sir,
    i want to stay in mysore even after training. what is the procedure for that??

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Now this is a question I really liked as it made me remember the good old days. ๐Ÿ™‚
      I stayed in Mysore even after my training because I got my location as Mysore only. It was mere chance. To stay in Mysore even after training, you need to get posted there which is usually not in your hands.
      However, you will not get accommodation inside the campus and you will have to live outside renting an apartment.

  8. Moumita Avatar

    Hi Abhineet,
    can you please tell me how is the Networking stream in Infosys ?
    My sister finished her general training & waiting for the stream allocation . In the meantime a seminar was conducted to motivate trainees to apply for networking training , She is from Non- CSE background (ECE), she is really confused whether to apply for this training or will go with any other Software related training , Please suggest .

    Thanks in advance

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Its been a long time when I did my training in Infosys. I do not remember such stream. May be it is introduced recently.
      Usually they do not give you an option to select a stream. They just put you in a stream they want.

  9. Parth Rathod Avatar
    Parth Rathod

    You said, “Little did I know that it was all going to get wasted. Production life was not what was projected during training.” I’ve been posted in production. What should I expect?

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      You should expect that you are not joining Google/Microsoft. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Infosys training is amazing and it creates an impression that we are going to do something really exciting after training. But IT jobs are all the same.

  10. meghana Avatar

    Sir, sorry to disturb you. Sir I got my offer of employment 5days before but Sir I m a little bit confuse what to do next. Is there any confirmation needed from my side to infosys? stating that I m going to join infosys willingly by accepting all the rules and regulations. I have not get any accomodation related information yet. My joining date is 3rd August, On which date i need to report in infosys campus sir?
    Sir Please do reply. Thanks a lot sir.

  11. Afra Avatar

    Hellow sir, i was selected in campus placement in jan2015 , i get login details but i want yo know when i get offer letter, and when training will start…. please help.Thank u

  12. Gandhali Avatar

    Hi. I have been selected for infy through campus placements. I am really willing to join the company, but my issue is about getting posted. ๐Ÿ™
    I am from pune, going for training isn’t an issue for me but I prefer staying in pune for the job after training. Is there anyway we can change our posting city? Or choose it?

    And I also heard that there are individual rooms for guys but girls have a roommate with them. Is it true?
    Please help me. I really need some better info before joining. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. vikas Avatar

      i have the same problem . i am also from pune and want change my posting location to pune

    2. Abhineet Avatar

      Pune is not a difficult location to get. After training, when you get posted, you can try for relocation. If your manager is helpful, you will get it.
      Otherwise, work in Infosys for 2-3 years, and then switch to a company which can provide you Pune as your work location.

  13. Abhineet Avatar

    Yes. There are ample opportunities for such things in Infosys.

  14. Vidhi Avatar

    Hi Abhineet,

    Is there a way I can prepare for Infosys training before joining? Any videos of Infosys training or material found online? I found a few but cant track the year those files were created. I come from non IT background, so its really important for me that I have some good knowledge beforehand. Any info can be of great help.Thanks!!

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      This has been already discussed. You can refer to the comments section of

  15. Bharat Khaneja Avatar
    Bharat Khaneja

    HI SIR…..actually i want to know which is better among Infosys and cognizant……also please tell what are the chances of getting transfer to north india in infosys…

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Its very subjective. Depends on so many factors including the technology you are working on, location, project etc.

  16. vikas parmar Avatar
    vikas parmar

    Hey !! i recently got placed in infy.
    i just want to know how much time will it take for offer letter and joining letter and which technical preference did infy provide you in your training period ?

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      In my case, I got it after 3 months of getting selected. I am not sure how they allocate stream these days. During my training, they allocated the streams without asking us.

  17. nikhilesh Avatar

    hey! i got placed in infy. i’ll be joining infy within next september.
    i had cognizant and infy offers in my hand, but i chose infy. But i’ve heard the training part would be the toughest part and difficult to clear it… i’m an average student… can i clear the training successfully if i work??

  18. adhithyan Avatar

    I m a 2012 mech engg graduate,
    selected as a system engr trainee
    I m going to join infosys on aug 12, 2013
    After intermediate(i m sure i ll be in intermediate) training, will i go and apply to PLES(product life cycle and engineering solutions(pune,mysorembanglore))stream for my stream training ?
    is there any options available on matter tat i ve to work for core section of infosys ?
    thanks in advance bro
    kindly reply to :

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Hi Adhithyan,
      Hope you are enjoying your stay in Mysore.
      I am really not sure about your question as their policies keep changing frequently and I was there more than 2 years ago.

  19. sameer Avatar

    Nice website. Hey abhineet i just completed my my training and got posted to a DC. Is it possible to re-live those days again?:-P I am really missing all those days…

    1. Abhineet Avatar

      Even I cherish those moments. That was a great time. We may not live them again, but their sweet memories will keep giving us a reason to smile forever. And the friends I got from that training are friends for life.

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